10th International ISHS Peach Conference - May -3 June 2022 3 June 20223 - Naoussa, Greece

10th International ISHS Peach Conference - May -3 June 2022 3 June 20223 - Naoussa, Greece

The city of the Naousa

Naoussa is one of the most beautiful cities of Greece, being the capital of the homonym province with a population of 25.000 residents and combines the beauties of the plain with those of the mountain, offering a rich mesh of activities and services. It is located  90 km from Thessaloniki and 510 km from Athens.

The Venue 

The Conference will be held in an Open Air Environment within the premises The Conference will be held in an Open Air Environment within the premises The Conference will be held in an Open Air Environment within the premises The Conference will be held in an Open Air Environment within the premises The Conference will be held in an Open Air Environment within the premises The Conference will be held in an Open Air Environment within the premises The Conference will be held in an Open Air Environment within the premises The Conference will be held in an Open Air Environment within the premises The Conference will be held in an Open Air Environment within the premises The Conference will be held in an Open Air Environment within the premises The Conference will be held in an Open Air Environment within the premises of KIOSKI bar restaurant with the employment state art of KIOSKI bar restaurant with the employment state art of KIOSKI bar restaurant with the employment state art of KIOSKI bar restaurant with the employment state art of KIOSKI bar restaurant with the employment state art of KIOSKI bar restaurant with the employment state art of KIOSKI bar restaurant with the employment state art of KIOSKI bar restaurant with the employment state art of KIOSKI bar restaurant with the employment state art of KIOSKI bar restaurant with the employment state art of KIOSKI bar restaurant with the employment state art infrastructure

Projectors & LED walls Projectors & LED walls

Internet corner Internet corner – E-poster

The Venue The Venue

#Open Air Conference #Open Air Conference

Location of the Venue Location of the Venue

Source: Nikos Source: Nikos Source: Nikos Bampos

Traveling to Naoussa Traveling to Naoussa

Complimentary bus transportation from Thessaloniki airport to Complimentary bus transportation from Thessaloniki airport to Complimentary bus transportation from Thessaloniki airport to Complimentary bus transportation from Thessaloniki airport to Complimentary bus transportation from Thessaloniki airport to Complimentary bus transportation from Thessaloniki airport to Complimentary bus transportation from Thessaloniki airport to Naoussa and vice versa will be offered at certain hours Naoussa and vice versa will be offered at certain hoursNaoussa and vice versa will be offered at certain hours Naoussa and vice versa will be offered at certain hours Naoussa and vice versa will be offered at certain hours Naoussa and vice versa will be offered at certain hours

Keynote speakers Keynote speakers

Keynote speakers Keynote speakers

Registration packages

On line Registration On line Registration

https://www.smarteventscy.com/online/peach2021/ https://www.smarteventscy.com/online/peach2021/ https://www.smarteventscy.com/online/peach2021/ https://www.smarteventscy.com/online/peach2021/ https://www.smarteventscy.com/online/peach2021/ https://www.smarteventscy.com/online/peach2021/ https://www.smarteventscy.com/online/peach2021/ https://www.smarteventscy.com/online/peach2021/

Abstract submission

https://www.fruitsciences.eu/peach2021/call https://www.fruitsciences.eu/peach2021/call https://www.fruitsciences.eu/peach2021/callhttps://www.fruitsciences.eu/peach2021/call https://www.fruitsciences.eu/peach2021/call https://www.fruitsciences.eu/peach2021/call https://www.fruitsciences.eu/peach2021/call https://www.fruitsciences.eu/peach2021/call https://www.fruitsciences.eu/peach2021/call https://www.fruitsciences.eu/peach2021/call https://www.fruitsciences.eu/peach2021/call -for -papers.html papers.html papers.html

https://www.actahort.org/members/symposiar?nr=431 https://www.actahort.org/members/symposiar?nr=431 https://www.actahort.org/members/symposiar?nr=431 https://www.actahort.org/members/symposiar?nr=431 https://www.actahort.org/members/symposiar?nr=431 https://www.actahort.org/members/symposiar?nr=431 https://www.actahort.org/members/symposiar?nr=431 https://www.actahort.org/members/symposiar?nr=431 https://www.actahort.org/members/symposiar?nr=431

On line ISHS Abstract submission platform On line ISHS Abstract submission platform On line ISHS Abstract submission platform

• Each author can submit up to two abstracts Each author can submit up to two abstracts

• One author at least should be ISHS member, otherwise a submission fee of One author at least should be ISHS member, otherwise a submission fee of One author at least should be ISHS member, otherwise a submission fee of One author at least should be ISHS member, otherwise a submission fee of One author at least should be ISHS member, otherwise a submission fee of One author at least should be ISHS member, otherwise a submission fee of One author at least should be ISHS member, otherwise a submission fee of One author at least should be ISHS member, otherwise a submission fee of One author at least should be ISHS member, otherwise a submission fee of One author at least should be ISHS member, otherwise a submission fee of One author at least should be ISHS member, otherwise a submission fee of 80/95€ applies that is equal to 1 year ISHS membership additionally 80/95€ applies that is equal to 1 year ISHS membership additionally 80/95€ applies that is equal to 1 year ISHS membership additionally 80/95€ applies that is equal to 1 year ISHS membership additionally 80/95€ applies that is equal to 1 year ISHS membership additionally 80/95€ applies that is equal to 1 year ISHS membership additionally 80/95€ applies that is equal to 1 year ISHS membership additionally 80/95€ applies that is equal to 1 year ISHS membership additionally 80/95€ applies that is equal to 1 year ISHS membership additionally 80/95€ applies that is equal to 1 year ISHS membership additionally 80/95€ applies that is equal to 1 year ISHS membership additionally 80/95€ applies that is equal to 1 year ISHS membership additionally offers reduced registration rates to the Conference offers reduced registration rates to the Conference offers reduced registration rates to the Conference offers reduced registration rates to the Conference offers reduced registration rates to the Conference offers reduced registration rates to the Conference offers reduced registration rates to the Conference offers reduced registration rates to the Conference

• Become an ISHS member through the link: https://www.ishs.org/members Become an ISHS member through the link: https://www.ishs.org/membersBecome an ISHS member through the link: https://www.ishs.org/members Become an ISHS member through the link: https://www.ishs.org/membersBecome an ISHS member through the link: https://www.ishs.org/members Become an ISHS member through the link: https://www.ishs.org/members Become an ISHS member through the link: https://www.ishs.org/members Become an ISHS member through the link: https://www.ishs.org/members Become an ISHS member through the link: https://www.ishs.org/members Become an ISHS member through the link: https://www.ishs.org/members

Cultural & Technical Tour Cultural & Technical Tour

June 2 June 2

School of Aristotle School of Aristotle School of Aristotle

A short way from contemporary Naoussa, this A short way from contemporary Naoussa, this A short way from contemporary Naoussa, this A short way from contemporary Naoussa, this A short way from contemporary Naoussa, this A short way from contemporary Naoussa, this A short way from contemporary Naoussa, this A short way from contemporary Naoussa, this is the place where greatest philosopher of is the place where greatest philosopher of is the place where greatest philosopher of is the place where greatest philosopher of is the place where greatest philosopher of is the place where greatest philosopher of is the place where greatest philosopher of is the place where greatest philosopher of is the place where greatest philosopher of is the place where greatest philosopher of antiquity taught the greatness of classical antiquity taught the greatness of classical antiquity taught the greatness of classical antiquity taught the greatness of classical antiquity taught the greatness of classical antiquity taught the greatness of classical antiquity taught the greatness of classical antiquity taught the greatness of classical antiquity taught the greatness of classical antiquity taught the greatness of classical Greek thought and the ideals of Platonic Greek thought and the ideals of Platonic Greek thought and the ideals of Platonic Greek thought and the ideals of Platonic Greek thought and the ideals of Platonic Greek thought and the ideals of Platonic Greek thought and the ideals of Platonic Greek thought and the ideals of Platonic philosophy to the son of King Macedonia philosophy to the son of King Macedonia philosophy to the son of King Macedonia philosophy to the son of King Macedonia philosophy to the son of King Macedonia philosophy to the son of King Macedonia philosophy to the son of King Macedonia philosophy to the son of King Macedonia philosophy to the son of King Macedonia Phillip II, Alexander, and the other nobles of Phillip II, Alexander, and the other nobles of Phillip II, Alexander, and the other nobles of Phillip II, Alexander, and the other nobles of Phillip II, Alexander, and the other nobles of Phillip II, Alexander, and the other nobles of Phillip II, Alexander, and the other nobles of Phillip II, Alexander, and the other nobles of Phillip II, Alexander, and the other nobles of Phillip II, Alexander, and the other nobles of Macedonian court. Macedonian court.

A centre of recreation and daylong excursion of recreation and daylong excursion of recreation and daylong excursion of recreation and daylong excursion of recreation and daylong excursion which is located 3 km south which is located 3 km south which is located 3 km south which is located 3 km south which is located 3 km south which is located 3 km south -west of Naoussa. west of Naoussa. west of Naoussa. west of Naoussa. west of Naoussa. An earthly paradise in the heart of An earthly paradise in the heart of An earthly paradise in the heart of An earthly paradise in the heart of An earthly paradise in the heart of An earthly paradise in the heart of An earthly paradise in the heart of An earthly paradise in the heart of Imathia .

Sixty acres of spectacular ground Sixty acres of spectacular ground Sixty acres of spectacular ground Sixty acres of spectacular ground take life take life from the sources of historical and multiply from the sources of historical and multiply from the sources of historical and multiply from the sources of historical and multiply from the sources of historical and multiply from the sources of historical and multiply from the sources of historical and multiply from the sources of historical and multiply from the sources of historical and multiply by the precious river of by the precious river of by the precious river of by the precious river of Arapitsa Arapitsa.

Thicket of Thicket of Agios Nikolaos

Tombs of King Philip II Tombs of King Philip II

Located in Located in Located in Vergina (32 km from Naoussa) has (32 km from Naoussa) has (32 km from Naoussa) has (32 km from Naoussa) has (32 km from Naoussa) has (32 km from Naoussa) has enjoyed worldwide recognition in the past few enjoyed worldwide recognition in the past few enjoyed worldwide recognition in the past few enjoyed worldwide recognition in the past few enjoyed worldwide recognition in the past few enjoyed worldwide recognition in the past few enjoyed worldwide recognition in the past few enjoyed worldwide recognition in the past few enjoyed worldwide recognition in the past few decades, owing to the discovery there of decades, owing to the discovery there of decades, owing to the discovery there of decades, owing to the discovery there of decades, owing to the discovery there of decades, owing to the discovery there of decades, owing to the discovery there of decades, owing to the discovery there of decades, owing to the discovery there of ancient city of ancient city of ancient city of ancient city of Aigai Aigai, the ancient capital of , the ancient capital of , the ancient capital of , the ancient capital of , the ancient capital of , the ancient capital of , the ancient capital of , the ancient capital of , the ancient capital of Macedonian kings, and its cemetery Macedonian kings, and its cemetery Macedonian kings, and its cemetery Macedonian kings, and its cemetery Macedonian kings, and its cemetery .

Of particular note are the tombs of royal Of particular note are the tombs of royal Of particular note are the tombs of royal Of particular note are the tombs of royal Of particular note are the tombs of royal Of particular note are the tombs of royal Of particular note are the tombs of royal Of particular note are the tombs of royal Of particular note are the tombs of royal Of particular note are the tombs of royal Of particular note are the tombs of royal dynasty, most notably King Philip II and a young dynasty, most notably King Philip II and a young dynasty, most notably King Philip II and a young dynasty, most notably King Philip II and a young dynasty, most notably King Philip II and a young dynasty, most notably King Philip II and a young dynasty, most notably King Philip II and a young dynasty, most notably King Philip II and a young dynasty, most notably King Philip II and a young dynasty, most notably King Philip II and a young prince who is identified as Alexander IV, and a cist prince who is identified as Alexander IV, and a cist prince who is identified as Alexander IV, and a cist prince who is identified as Alexander IV, and a cist prince who is identified as Alexander IV, and a cist prince who is identified as Alexander IV, and a cist prince who is identified as Alexander IV, and a cist prince who is identified as Alexander IV, and a cist prince who is identified as Alexander IV, and a cist prince who is identified as Alexander IV, and a cist prince who is identified as Alexander IV, and a cist prince who is identified as Alexander IV, and a cist prince who is identified as Alexander IV, and a cist prince who is identified as Alexander IV, and a cist grave.

The royal tombs were discovered in 1977, royal tombs were discovered in 1977, royal tombs were discovered in 1977, royal tombs were discovered in 1977, royal tombs were discovered in 1977, royal tombs were discovered in 1977, royal tombs were discovered in 1977, being constructed at the beginning of constructed at the beginning of constructed at the beginning of constructed at the beginning of constructed at the beginning of constructed at the beginning of constructed at the beginning of constructed at the beginning of constructed at the beginning of constructed at the beginning of third century BC by Antigonos Antigonos Antigonos Gonatas, to protect the royal Gonatas, to protect the royal Gonatas, to protect the royal Gonatas, to protect the royal Gonatas, to protect the royal Gonatas, to protect the royal Gonatas, to protect the royal tombs from further pillaging after marauding tombs from further pillaging after marauding tombs from further pillaging after marauding tombs from further pillaging after marauding tombs from further pillaging after marauding tombs from further pillaging after marauding tombs from further pillaging after marauding tombs from further pillaging after marauding tombs from further pillaging after marauding tombs from further pillaging after marauding Galati had looted and destroyed the cemetery. Galati had looted and destroyed the cemetery. Galati had looted and destroyed the cemetery. Galati had looted and destroyed the cemetery. Galati had looted and destroyed the cemetery. Galati had looted and destroyed the cemetery. Galati had looted and destroyed the cemetery. Galati had looted and destroyed the cemetery.

UNESCO World Heritage List UNESCO World Heritage List UNESCO World Heritage List UNESCO World Heritage List UNESCO World Heritage List

Technical visits


Prototype peach orchard Prototype peach orchard Prototype peach orchard

Post -Symposium Tour Symposium Tour

10th International ISHS Peach Conference 10th International ISHS Peach Conference 10th International ISHS Peach Conference 10th International ISHS Peach Conference

3-5 June 2022 5 June 2022

Friday, June 3 Friday, June 3 Friday, June 3


The city of Ioannina The city of Ioannina The city of Ioannina


Accommodation in Ioannina Accommodation in Ioannina Accommodation in Ioannina

Saturday, June 4 Saturday, June 4 Saturday, June 4

The city of Kastoria The city of Kastoria

Accommodation in Kastoria Accommodation in Kastoria

Sunday, June 5 Sunday, June 5 Sunday, June 5 Sunday, June 5


Important dates

• Abstract submission: Abstract submission: Abstract submission: 14 January 2022

• Full text submission: Full text submission: Full text submission: Full text submission: 31 March 2022 31 March 2022

• Deadline for early bird registration: for early bird registration: for early bird registration: 1 March 2022 1 March 2022 1

Εφημερίδα Λαός
ΣΥΝΤΑΚΤΗΣ: Εφημερίδα Λαός - Τοπική Εφημερίδα



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